CombiPress PFMH
- Lowest (up to 2 bar)
- Low (up to 10 bar)
- Medium (up to 40 bar)
- Minimal (up to 500 mbar)
Initial accuracy
- ≤ 0.1 % FS
- ≤ 0.25 - 0.3 % FS
Temperature stability
- highest stability (till 0.1 % FS / 10 K)
CombiPress PFMN
- Lowest (up to 2 bar)
- Low (up to 10 bar)
- Medium (up to 40 bar)
- High (up to 400 bar)
- Minimal (up to 500 mbar)
Initial accuracy
- ≤ 0.1 % FS
- ≤ 0.25 - 0.3 % FS
Temperature stability
- highest stability (till 0.1 % FS / 10 K)
- Lowest (up to 2 bar)
- Low (up to 10 bar)
- Medium (up to 40 bar)
- Minimal (up to 500 mbar)
Initial accuracy
- ≤ 0.1 % FS
- ≤ 0.25 - 0.3 % FS
Temperature stability
- highest stability (till 0.1 % FS / 10 K)
PBMH autoclavable
- Lowest (up to 2 bar)
- Low (up to 10 bar)
- Medium (up to 40 bar)
- Minimal (up to 500 mbar)
Initial accuracy
- ≤ 0.1 % FS
- ≤ 0.25 - 0.3 % FS
Temperature stability
- highest stability (till 0.1 % FS / 10 K)
- Lowest (up to 2 bar)
- Low (up to 10 bar)
- Medium (up to 40 bar)
- Minimal (up to 500 mbar)
Initial accuracy
- ≤ 0.5 - 0.7 % FS
- ≤ 0.1 % FS
Temperature stability
- stable (from 0.2 % FS / 10 K)
PBMN flush
- Minimal (up to 500 mbar)
- Lowest (up to 2 bar)
- Low (up to 10 bar)
- Medium (up to 40 bar)
- High (up to 400 bar)
Initial accuracy
- ≤ 0.1 % FS
- ≤ 0.25 - 0.3 % FS
Temperature stability
- highest stability (till 0.1 % FS / 10 K)