optoTurn EAL580-B - EtherCAT
Size (flange)
Shaft type
- ø10...15 mm (blind hollow shaft)
Steps per revolution
- ≤262144 / 18 bit (adjustable)
Number of revolutions
- ≤65536 / 16 bit (adjustable)
optoTurn EAL580-B - EtherNet/IP
Size (flange)
Shaft type
- ø10...15 mm (blind hollow shaft)
Steps per revolution
- ≤262144 / 18 bit (adjustable)
Number of revolutions
- ≤65536 / 16 bit (adjustable)
optoTurn EAL580-B - PROFINET
Size (flange)
Shaft type
- ø10...15 mm (blind hollow shaft)
Steps per revolution
- ≤262144 / 18 bit (adjustable)
Number of revolutions
- ≤65536 / 16 bit (adjustable)